Na 48. sesji Rady Praw Człowieka ONZ było nas całkiem dużo:
- 1 października odczytane zostało stanowisko Federacji na temat braku dostępu do praw reprodukcyjnych i seksualnych w kontekście czekającego Polskę w 2022 r. powszechnego przeglądu okresowego (UPR) prowadzonego przez ONZ i dotyczącego (nie)przestrzegania praw człowieka. Wezwałyśmy Radę Praw Człowieka i należące do niej państwa członkowskie, żeby w procesie przeglądu Polski, nie odpuścili coraz bardziej dotkliwych naruszeń praw reprodukcyjnych kobiet w Polsce.
- Natomiast 4 października nasze stanowisko zostało odczytane z okazji Światowego Dnia Bezpiecznej Aborcji.
W obydwu stanowiskach żądamy prawa do bezpiecznej, legalnej i bezpłatnej aborcji i powtarzamy, że traktowanie kobiet przez instytucje państwa polskiego stanowi przemoc i nadużycie władzy.
Treść stanowisk:
Statement on behalf of the Federation for Women and Family Planning from Poland
UPR has the potential to be a powerful tool for change. Unfortunately, States often use it as a public relations exercise. During the previous UPR cycle, Poland accepted 8 recommendations on access to abortion and other sexual and reproductive health services. In its 2019 mid-term report Poland just cited legal provisions, without giving any evidence of implementation.
Poland is far from implementing these recommendations. On the contrary, it commits more violations of women’s rights to decide about their bodies, pregnancies and lives. As a result of the illegitimate Constitutional Tribunal’s decision of October 2020 the ban on abortion is quasi total and women who seek abortion on foetal condition grounds are left without any State assistance. The devastating human rights consequences of this retrogression have been widely criticized, including by Special Procedures. Moreover, Poland is the last in Europe as regards access to contraception, and there is no comprehensive sexuality education available for children and adolescents.
Our needs to access these services are urgent and real, human stories stand behind them. The way in which the Polish State interferes with our intimate and private life is violent.
We call on you not to disregard our rights. As you prepare to review Poland in the next UPR cycle in 2022, we urge this Council and all member states to hold our government accountable for its obligations rather than engage in a box-ticking exercise full of pro forma declarations.

Statement on behalf of the Federation for Women and Family Planning from Poland
Contrary to the Vienna Declaration, women and girls in Poland are still not enjoying their right to decide about their bodies, pregnancies and lives.
On the International Day of Safe Abortion, this year again, we demand our human right to free, safe and accessible abortion, without anyone asking us why.
We reiterate UN’s experts’ recent statement that abortion is essential health care and a human right and must be taken out of the realm of politics . The State’s duty is to provide us with a safe and enabling space to make our decisions relating to private lives. This is not the case of Poland. After the last year illegitimate CT’s decisions women cannot access abortion on almost any grounds. The way in which the Polish State interferes with our intimate and private life is violent and constitutes abuse of power.
On behalf of women’s rights organisations in Poland we claim back our right to abortion. Now.
- Ponadto na tej samej sesji odczytane zostało wspólne stanowisko w sprawie aborcji, które podpisało 372 organizacji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, w tym FEDERA. Więcej tutaj.
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