„Państwa powinny uznać, że decyzje kobiet o swoim ciele są osobiste i prywatne, oraz umieścić autonomię kobiet w centrum kształtowanie polityki i stanowienie prawa w obszarze usług zdrowia seksualnego i reprodukcyjnego, w tym opieki aborcyjnej”, podkreśla Koalicja w stanowisku przedstawionym przez Federację na rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny z okazji Światowego Dnia Bezpiecznej Aborcji podczas 39. sesji Rady Praw Człowieka w Genewie.
#Sept28 #ŻądamyLegalnejAborcji
This is a statement of the Federation for Women and Family Planning on behalf of the Great Coalition for Equality and Choice from Poland.
We welcome the report of the Working Group on Discrimination Against Women in Law and in Practice on reasserting equality and countering rollbacks of May 2018. We echo the concerns raised by the Working Group, in particular those around the backlash against sexual and reproductive health and rights which results in creating additional barriers to access legal and safe abortion. We anticipate an expert visit in Poland of the Working Group as stipulated in the report and expect it will contribute to the strengthening of the girls’ and women’s rights which is now particularly needed.
We also welcome the recent joint statement made by the CEDAW and the CRPD that access to safe and legal abortion, as well as related services and information are essential aspects of all women’s reproductive health, including women with disabilities. We couldn’t agree more that States should acknowledge that women’s decisions about their own bodies are personal and private, and place the autonomy of the woman at the centre of policy and law-making related to sexual and reproductive health services, including abortion care.
In the light of the upcoming Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion we stress the necessity and urgency to address the human rights violations arising from criminalization of abortion and the denial of access to safe and legal abortion services. We join a collective voice that governments across the world respect, protect and fulfil the right to access safe and legal abortion services and post-abortion care.
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